تاريخ التحميص 10/03/2021
محصول من الهندوراس معالج بطريقة الغسل مناسب للاسبريسو ومشتقاته
This La Perla lot is one of the most important lots for the Paz Mejía family. Producer Jose Arnold Paz Mejia takes us back to 1998, the year of Hurricane Mitch, to help us understand why. That year, a landslide wiped out two blocks from the farm due to heavy rains and soil saturation: La Perla’s predecessor, the all important Los Limas lot, was lost. It was not until 2004 that Arnold’s father wanted to approach replanting because of the sentimentality of the land which had previously held the prestigious former lot. Arnold’s mother, Doña Yolanda, decided to take the lead on restoring the landslide-affected area of the farm. They cleared the area before planting Caturra and San Ramón: the La Perla Lot was born. This is a new relationship for ONA Coffee: it was one of those must-have coffees that we blind-cupped on a mixed microlot table and fell in love with immediately. We hope a strong friendship and long buying history with the Paz Mejia family emerges from this first purchase!
Flavour profile:
This is a beautifully sweet and polished expression of Santa Barbara washed coffee at its best. Bright notes of tangerine and peach contrast against honey and orange marmalade-like sweetness.
Brew Guide: TBA
Age to drink
11-14 Days
Dose amount
19.5 – 20g
Extraction volume
42 – 44g
Extraction time
22 – 26s
Freeze date
10 Days
الوزن | 0.2 كيلوجرام |
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